
Sunday, May 5, 2013

Amazing Eclipse This Month

    An amazing event will be happening this coming Month of May this year Two Thousand and Thirteen (2013). It will happen on May 10 and even on May 25. We should witness this event. It is not frequently happening. What is it? It is a Solar Eclipse and a Lunar Eclipse.

    What is a Solar Eclipse? It occurs when the Moon is in between our planet Earth and the Sun. This means that the moon will pass between the sun and earth. The moon will block the Sun and can be seen from earth. Only it happens when it`s New Moon. On the 10th of May, Annular Eclipse will occur. Annular Eclipse is one type of Eclipse wherein the sun and moon are in line (exactly) but the apparent size of the Sun is bigger than of the moon. So, the edge of the Sun will become a bright ring surrounding the dark disk of the moon. The ring will be visible and this is what we call the Annular Eclipse. And this is the type of eclipse we can witness this May 10. 

    There`s more. On May 25 of the same year, A lunar eclipse will occur. It is the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse. What is it? It is when the moon passes through the Earth`s penumbral shadow. The moon is a dark celestial body but we can see it because it reflects the Sun`s rays back to our planet. When the three celestial bodies form a perfect straight line (Earth will be the middle), the moon will travel through the outer part of our planet`s shadow called the penumbra. This means that all of the Moon's visible surface still receives some direct sunlight - but the Earth obscures parts of the Sun, as seen from the Moon. That`s the explanation of the penumbral lunar eclipse.

    As a wanderer in this great wild and wide world, to see this event is fascinating and an event that we should not let go. We should witness this and see how the universe is made great. A Solar and Lunar Eclipse will not happen frequently so we should let our friends know it. We don`t want to miss this thing and so does our friends. Let your Friends know so that entire humanity will witness this eclipse. According to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), there will be five eclipse that will happen this year. One already happened last April 25. Other eclipse will happen as said on May 10, May 25, October 18 and last eclipse this year would be on November 3.

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